Usability Engineer
- Usability Engineer
- a programmer that implements the software
human interfaces of one or more
systems or
As illustrated in the preceding figure, Usability Engineer is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:
Usability engineers typically have the following role-specific responsibilities:
- Implement the human interfaces (e.g., GUIs).
- Optimize the human interface to the platform (i.e., hardware, operating system, and browser).
- Collaborate with the programmers.
Usability engineers typically inherit the
general role responsibilities from the
role method component.
To fulfill these responsibilities, usability engineers
typically should have the following expertise, training, and experience:
- Ability to integrate visual and verbal content.
- Technology skills:
- Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Dynamic HTML (DHTML), and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Scalable Vector Graphics
- Java, C++, and Perl
- CGI Scripts, JavaScript, and VBScript
- Audio and video streaming technologies
- ASP and JSP
- A bachelor’s degree or better in software engineering, computer science, graphic design, or the equivalent.
Usability engineers typically perform the following role-specific tasks in an iterative,
incremental, parallel, and time-boxed manner:
Usability engineers typically inherit
common role tasks from the
role process component.
Usability engineers typically perform these tasks as members of the following teams:
As members of these teams, usability engineers typically
produce all or part of the following work products:
- There is no need for this role if there are no software human interfaces (e.g., when developing certain embedded applications).
- This role is critical if there are significant software human interfaces.
- This role typically inherits the common team guidelines
from the roles process component.