CRC Card
- Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) card
- a business architecture and application
design work product consisting of a large index card that informally documents the
responsibilities and
collaborators of a:
- Type during:
- Architecting of the business object model
- Requirements analysis of the application domain model
- Class during:
- Software design and the programming of class comments
The typical objectives of a CRC card are to:
The typical benefits of a CRC card are:
- By promoting a
design, CRC cards:
- Maximize object abstraction, cohesion, and
- Minimize delegation (message and exception)
- CRC cards are very inexpensive and user friendly.
- CRC cards provide the information needed to:
- Begin programming of classes.
- Commenting classes to support the generation of
The typical contents of a CRC card are:
- Front Side:
- Name of the type or class
- Responsibilities of the class (responsibilities for
doing, knowing, and enforcing business rules)
- Associated
- Back Side:
- Package (OML or UML)
- Description of the type or class
The typical stakeholders of a CRC card are:
- Producers:
Requirements Team, which creates CRC cards during the
elicitation and analysis of an application's domain
Architecture Team, which creates CRC cards during
- Architecting of the business (business
- Prototyping of the executable software architecture
(application development).
Software Development Team, which creates CRC cards
during the design of an application's software.
- Evaluators:
Requirements Team, which evaluates the CRC cards
produced by the architecture team.
Architecture Team which evaluates the CRC cards
produced by the requirements team and the software
development team.
- Approvers:
- Maintainers:
- Users:
A CRC card is typically developed during the following
CRC cards typically can be started if the following
preconditions hold:
- The
initiation phase is started.
- The relevant team(s) are staffed and trained in
responsibility driven design.
The typical inputs to CRC cards include:
- Work Products:
- Business Engineering:
- Application Development:
- Stakeholders:
- Use the CRC cards mostly as an elicitation and modeling
techniques, rather than as a documentation tool.
- As soon as practical, transfer the information into
deliverable documents or Java class comments. There is little
benefit in maintaining the CRC cards thereafter.
- Use large index cards; the small ones are too little to
hold the necessary information.
- Concentrate on the responsibilities for doing and
enforcing rather than for knowing (which promotes a
data-driven design).
- List collaborators across from the associated
responsibilities so that readers can tell which collaborators
help implement which responsibilities.
- During requirements elicitation and analyis, concentrate
on types rather than their implementations (classes).
CRC cards are typically constrained by the following
Work Flow
Content and Format Standard
MS Word Template
XML Template
Inspection Checklist