Digital Branding
- Digital Branding
- the activity consisting of the cohesive collection of all
tasks that are primarily performed to create or improve
the customer’s digital brand
As illustrated in the preceding figure, Digital Branding is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:
- Type: Abstract
- Superclass: Engineering Activity
- Subclasses:
- Digital branding of a commercial product (e.g., system, application, or component)
- Digital branding of a Website
The typical responsibilities of digital branding are to:
- Produce a new digital brand that best achieves the customer organization’s strategic goals.
- Ensure that the customer organization’s new digital brand:
- Promotes the customer’s reengineered business.
- Improves the customer-user relationship.
- Consistently conveys the proper message to the customer’s target users.
- Is appropriate for the customer’s applications.
Digital branding typically may begin when the following
preconditions hold:
Digital branding is typically complete when the following
postconditions hold:
- The customer has an improved business object model.
- The customer has improved business processes.
- A program of new applications supporting the customer’s reengineered business have been launched.
Digital branding typically involves the following producers
performing the following branding tasks:
Digital branding is typically performed using the following
environment(s) and associated tools:
Digital branding typically results in the production of the
following work products:
- Informal Work Products:
- Deliverable Work Products:
Digital branding tasks are typically performed during the
following phases:
- This activity is documented using the typical
configuration for large projects. It is intended to be
configured (i.e., instantiated, extended, and tailored) to
meet the needs of specific projects.
- The preconditions of this activity should be the union of
the preconditions of its constituent tasks.
- The completion criteria for this activity should be the
union of the postconditions of its constituent tasks.