Process Engineering
- Process Engineering (a.k.a., Method Engineering)
- the activity consisting of the cohesive collection of all
tasks directly involved in
the improvement of
by the engineering of appropriate endeavor-specific and/or producer-specific
methods (i.e., process models)
via the engineering and use of organizational process component frameworks (i.e., process metamodels),
process component class libraries, reusable methods, and associated usage guidelines
As illustrated in the preceding figure, process engineering is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:
- Type: Abstract
- Superclass: Activities
- Subclasses:
- Process Framework Engineering:
- Creating a new process framework by selecting and combining process components from both internal and
external (e.g., books, tools) sources.
- Modifying an existing process framework (e.g., the OPF) for organizational usage.
- Reusing an industry standard process framework (e.g., the OPEN Process Framework).
- Method Engineering:
- Instantiating reusable concrete process component classes in the the organizational process framework
repository to construct an endeavor-specific or producer-specific process.
- Tailoring reusable methods in the organizational process framework repository to
construct an endeavor-specific or producer-specific process.
The typical responsibilities of process engineering are to ensure that:
- An appropriate, well-documented, organizational-standard process framework
incorporating industry best practices is obtained or produced and maintained.
- This framework is used to produce and maintain appropriate, well-documented, endeavor-specific
or producer-specific methods (i.e., process models).
- The resulting methods are mandated by management and properly communicated to their stakeholders.
- Either the processes conform to the mandated methods, a waiver or deviation is granted, or
that the method is updated to conform to the actual process being performed.
Process engineering typically may begin when the following preconditions hold:
- The endeavor is started.
- The organizational or endeavor
process team is adequately:
- Staffed.
- Trained or experienced in process engineering.
Process engineering is typically complete when the following postconditions hold:
- An endeavor-specific or producer-specific method has been constructed, documented, tailored, and mandated.
- The organizational repository containing the organizational process framework has been
constructed, documented, iterated, and mandated.
As illustrated in the preceding figure of the work flow involving process engineering tasks,
the process engineering activity typically involves the following producers performing the following
process engineering tasks in an iterative, incremental, parallel, and timeboxed manner:
- Process Team, which performs:
- Process Framework Engineering:
- Method Engineering:
- Method Consulting
- Method Needs Assessment
- Method Construction,
during which the process team tailors and integrates the appropriate method components.
- Method Reuse,
during which the process team selects and reuses the appropriate reusable method.
- Method Documentation,
during which the process team documents the approved method and communicates it to its stakeholders
(e.g., appropriate members of the development, customer, and subcontractor organizations).
- Method Monitoring,
during which the process team monitors compliance of the process to the method and the success of the process.
- Method Maintenance,
during which the process team maintains the method based on the results of method monitoring.
- Management Teams, which performs:
- Process Framework Mandating,
during which the organizational management team mandates the use
of the standard process framework by its endeavors.
- Method Mandating,
during which the endeavor management team mandates the use of the
endeavor-specific method by the endeavor’s teams.
- Process Inspection Team,
- Method Evaluation,
during which the process inspection team evaluates the adequacy, appropriateness, and effectiveness of the
Process engineering is typically performed using the
following environment(s) and associated tools:
Development Environment:
- Process engineering tool, which enables the process engineer to identify, select, tailor, and integrate
method components to create appropriate methods
- Browser (for evaluating external process frameworks and process component classes)
Process engineering typically results in the production of the
process work product set:
Process engineering tasks are typically performed during the following phases:
- This activity is documented using the typical
configuration for large organizations or endeavors. It is
intended to be configured (i.e., instantiated, extended, and
tailored) to meet the needs of specific organizations or endeavors.
- The preconditions of this activity should be the union of the preconditions of its constituent tasks.
- The completion criteria for this activity should be the union of the postconditions of its constituent tasks.