Domain Requirements Engineering


Domain Requirements Engineering
the requirements engineering subactivity during which the reusable requirements for an application domain are engineered


The typical goals of Domain Requirements Engineering are to:


The typical objectives of domain requirements engineering are to:


The domain requirements engineering task typically may begin when the following preconditions hold:

Completion Criteria

The domain requirements engineering task is typically complete when the following conditions hold:


The domain requirements engineering task typically involves the following teams performing the following requirements tasks in an iterative, incremental, parallel, and time-boxed manner:


The domain requirements engineering task is typically performed using the following environment(s) and associated tools:

Work Products

The domain requirements engineering task typically results in the production of the following work products from the requirements work product set:


The domain requirements engineering task are typically performed during individual phases as documented in the following table:

Phase Relevant Requirements Tasks
Business Strategy Phase
(100% completed)
Not Applicable
Business Optimization Phase Not Applicable
Initiation Phase
(approx. 80% completed)
Requirements Reuse
Requirements Identification
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Specification
Requirements Management
Construction Phase
(100% completed)
Requirements Reuse
Requirements Identification
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Specification
Requirements Management
Delivery Phase Requirements Management
Usage Phase Requirements Management
Retirement Phase Not Applicable
