Business Requirements Engineering


Business requirements engineering is an requirements engineering subactivity consisting of the cohesive collection of all tasks that are primarily performed to produce the requirements and other requirements work products for the customer organization’s business enterprise.

Thus, business requirements engineering on a specific endeavor typically consists of the appropriate subset of the following requirements engineering tasks (and subtasks), which are typically performed in an iterative, incremental, parallel, and time-boxed manner:


The typical goals of the business requirements engineering subactivity are to:


To achieve the above goals, the typical objectives of the business requirements engineering subactivity are to:


Typical examples of the business requirements engineering subactivity include the requirements engineering of a:


The business requirements engineering subactivity typically may begin when the following preconditions hold:

Completion Criteria

The business requirements engineering subactivity is typically complete when the following conditions hold:


Business Requirement Engineering Tasks

The business requirements engineering subactivity typically involves the following teams performing the following requirements tasks in an iterative, incremental, parallel, and time-boxed manner:

Related Tasks Allocated To Other Activities

Because the following tasks fit better under other activities, they are not techically part of the business requirements engineering subactivity, although they nevertheless have a major impact on requirements engineering:


The business requirements engineering subactivity is typically performed using the following environment(s) and associated tools:

Work Products

The business requirements engineering subactivity typically results in the production of the following work products from the requirements work product set:


Requirements engineering tasks are typically performed during individual phases as documented in the following table:

Phase Relevant Requirements Tasks
Business Strategy Phase Business Analysis: Business Case Development
Business Visioning
Requirements Reuse
Requirements Identification
Requirements Analysis
Requirements Specification
Requirements Management
Business Optimization Phase Requirements Management
Initiation Phase Not Applicable
Construction Phase Not Applicable
Delivery Phase Not Applicable
Usage Phase Not Applicable
Retirement Phase Not Applicable
