Customer Management Team

Topics:  Definition  Classification  Responsibilities  Roles  Tasks  Work Products  Guidelines


Customer Management Team
the customer organization’s team that oversees the development endeavor

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Customer Management Team in the OPF Method Component Inheritance Hierarchy

As illustrated in the preceding figure, Customer Management Team is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:

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The typical team-specific responsibilities of a Customer Management Team are to:

A customer management team typically inherits the general team responsibilities from the team method component.

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A Customer Management Team typically consists of persons playing the following roles:

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A Customer Management Team typically performs the following team-specific management tasks in an incremental, iterative, parallel, and time-boxed manner:

A customer management team typically inherits the common team tasks from the team method component.

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Work Products

A Customer Management Team typically produces all or part of the following work products:

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Method Components:  Endeavors  Languages  Producers  Stages  Work_Products  Work_Units
ProducersOrganizations  Teams  Roles  Persons  Tools
Endeavor_Team:  Enterprise  Program  Project
Management_Team:  Customer_Management  Enterprise_Management  Program_Management  Project_Management  Contact_Center_Management  Data_Center_Management  Reuse_Center_Management  Change_Control_Board  Configuration_Management  Disaster_Recovery  Emergency_Response  Endeavor_Debrief
Strategy_Team:  Digital_Branding  Business_Strategy  Technology_Strategy
Engineering_Team:  Architecture  Database  Deployment  Endeavor_Debrief  Environments  Hardware_Development  Independent_Test  Integration  Metrics  Pair_Programming  Process  Quality  Requirements  Reuse  Review  Security  Software_Development  Training  User_Interface
Post-Development_Team:  Computer_Security_Incident_Response_Team  Content_Management  Maintenance  Operations  Product_Standards_Committee  Retirement  User_Support
Evaluation_Team:  Architecture_Evaluation  Center_Evaluation  Configuration_Management_Evaluation  Content_Management_Evaluation  Database_Evaluation  Deployment_Evaluation  Environments_Evaluation  Hardware_Evaluation  Integration_Evaluation  Management_Evaluation  Operations_Evaluation  Requirements_Evaluation  Retirement_Evaluation  Safety_Evaluation  Software_Evaluation  Strategy_Evaluation  Test_Evaluation  Training_Evaluation  User_Interface_Evaluation  User_Support_Evaluation