Independent Test Team
Topics: Definition Classification Responsibilities Roles Tasks Work Products Guidelines
- Independent Test Team
- a team that performs most of system and
launch testing independently from the teams that developed the
system or
As illustrated in the preceding figure, Independent Test Team is part of the following inheritance hierarchy:
- Type: Concrete
- Superclass: Engineering Team
- Subclasses:
The typical team-specific responsibilities of a Independent Test Team are to:
The independent test team typically inherits the
general team responsibilities from the
team method component.
The independent test team typically consists of persons playing the following roles:
- Test Engineer,
who develops, performs, and reports the results of the independent tests.
- Technical Writer,
who documents and maintains the testing documentation.
The independent test team typically performs the following team-specific tasks in an iterative,
incremental, parallel, and time-boxed manner:
The independent test team typically inherits the
common team tasks from the
team method component.
The independent test team typically produces the following work products:
- To maintain its independence, the independent test team should not
contain any members who directly developed the application.
- The independent test team may also perform integration testing.
Method Components: Endeavors Languages Producers Stages Work_Products Work_Units
Producers: Organizations Teams Roles Persons Tools
Endeavor_Team: Enterprise Program Project
Management_Team: Customer_Management Enterprise_Management Program_Management Project_Management Contact_Center_Management Data_Center_Management Reuse_Center_Management Change_Control_Board Configuration_Management Disaster_Recovery Emergency_Response Endeavor_Debrief
Strategy_Team: Digital_Branding Business_Strategy Technology_Strategy
Engineering_Team: Architecture Database Deployment Endeavor_Debrief Environments Hardware_Development Independent_Test Integration Metrics Pair_Programming Process Quality Requirements Reuse Review Security Software_Development Training User_Interface
Post-Development_Team: Computer_Security_Incident_Response_Team Content_Management Maintenance Operations Product_Standards_Committee Retirement User_Support
Evaluation_Team: Architecture_Evaluation Center_Evaluation Configuration_Management_Evaluation Content_Management_Evaluation Database_Evaluation Deployment_Evaluation Environments_Evaluation Hardware_Evaluation Integration_Evaluation Management_Evaluation Operations_Evaluation Requirements_Evaluation Retirement_Evaluation Safety_Evaluation Software_Evaluation Strategy_Evaluation Test_Evaluation Training_Evaluation User_Interface_Evaluation User_Support_Evaluation